September Home Maintenance
Each month I try to give you tips and tricks to keep on your home maintenance. Doing things each month of the years seems to make it less overwhelming. Let me know how it goes this month!
Do these simple tasks to stay on top of your home and to help minimize needs for fixing items sooner than needed.
Clean out the gutters & make sure they are free of debris
The reason you want to do this now is because when the leaves start to fall, your gutters will become more packed. Double checking what they look like today can help prevent build up as we change seasons.
Schedule HVAC Maintenance
A quick and easy call or text. If you maintain your unit each year the longevity of the unit will increase. Taking this time also ensures that your furnace is properly working before the cooler days start to come.
Inspect Roof For Damage
We got a lot of hail earlier this year. Go up there and double check your roof for any damage or popping nail heads. If you see anything call a roofing contractor to come check it out to determine your course of action to fix it.
Clean Windows & Check Seals
Get all the dust off the windows. We all tend to open our own windows a bit more in the fall, so getting them fresh and clean will help minimize that dust build up from the summer from entering into our homes.
Power Wash the Siding & Deck
Get it fresh and clean. You don’t want mildew build up to start happening on either the deck or the house. There are several companies in the area that also help to do this task! Reach out if you want a name!
Clean Out Garbage Cans
Did you know a service exists for this one too? I didn’t until last week when I saw a post of Facebook. That being said, it takes a quick 20 or so minutes to get them filled and cleaned. Grab an old broom, throw some water and dishwashing liquid in there and clean it out with the broom!
Test Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Detectors
Unless you’re like me and often have the steam from the stove set off the detectors so you know they are working, go ahead and double check them. Check the CO2 as well while you’re at it!
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