May Home Maintenance
It may not seem like it… since the cold is just finally lifting, but it’s May already. Now it the time to get outside and do some maintenance around your home.
We can’t emphasize it enough… staying on top of these items each month, simply just keeps the to do list under control. It’ll help if you choose to sell your home and it’ll also keep your home in the best shape possible to ensure that you do not end up with larger problems.
Inspect & Clean Outdoor Lighting
Double check those light bulbs, clean them off and get the birds nests out (fire hazard). Get them up and running so that you can enjoy these summer nights.
Re-Nail Any Loose Siding & Trim Boards
We have had so much rain, hail and more this spring. Go outside and double check our siding. If you need some fixes, don’t hesitate to reach out. We have people to help!
Trim Trees, Bushes & Shrubs
Are there trees touching your roof? Get up there and get them off (be safe of course). Trim down the trees, reshape those bushes and spruce up the overall look of your home. It’s a simple fix to keep the outside of your house looking tidy.
Clean Your Garbage Disposal
This one is so simple. Stick a lemon or lime cut up down there and get it cleaned out. Make sure to run the water for a minute or two after to ensure it is clean.
Test Your Carbon Monoxide & Smoke Detectors
Batteries don’t last forever.
Check & Repair Fences & Gates
Again, it has been raining and hailing pretty intensely this year. Double check your fences. Get them repaired, repainted and enjoy it for the summer. Don’t stare at it and regret not doing it when the weather is cooler.
Check & Repair Fences & Gates
Give your grill a good cleaning. It needs it. Get the degreaser out. Watch a YOUTUBE video on how to clean it with a power washer, whatever floats your boat, but don’t get into the amazing weather and grilling season without getting this one done. It will also extend the life of your grill too.
Each month we try to give you tips and tricks to keep on your home maintenance. Doing things each month of the years seems to make it less overwhelming. Let us know how it goes this month!
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