March Home Maintenance
Do these simple tasks to stay on top of your home and to help minimize needs for fixing items sooner than needed.
Clean Up Flowerbeds
This makes me always feel like spring is here. I read a long time ago that we shouldn’t cut things back in the fall so that we can allow the critters and such to have places to live during the winter and I’ve done that ever sense. It takes a little time and a bunch of trash bags, but get those garden beds cleaned out.
Clean Your Gutters
Get the debris out so they function properly. It is as simple as that.
Service Your AC
There is nothing worse than when your AC breaks down when it is 100+ outside (THANK YOU AUNT DEVIN FOR TAKING ALBERT & I IN WHEN THAT HAPPENED). So get it checked out to make sure that no parts need replaced and that it is in great working condition.
Clean Away Salt
Pull out that broom and get your sidewalks cleaned up. Why… you may ask? Well, the salt eats away at the concrete, so you don’t want it just sitting there.
Clean your Shower heads, Washing Machine, Dishwasher & Garbage Disposal
Yep. You should clean these too. Use some vinegar and baking soda. It always does the trick. Lemon is a lifesaver too!
Check Caulking Outside
Check your caulk to make sure that none of the rain from all of these storms is heading where it shouldn’t be. Caulking is always a simple task, but remember to do it right!
Each month we try to give you tips and tricks to keep on your home maintenance. Doing things each month of the years seems to make it less overwhelming. Let us know how it goes this month!
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