February Home Maintenance
Do these simple tasks to stay on top of your home and to help minimize needs for fixing items sooner than needed.
Check Caulking around Showers, Tubs & Sinks
In all honesty this is one that seems more daunting than it is. Grab a safety knife and cut out the old cracked caulk. Grab a new tube of caulk (if in kitchen and baths make sure it’s silicone), and a caulk gun and get at it. It’s super easy and goes by pretty quickly.
Pull Out Appliances and Clean Behind Them
Simple as it sounds. Just pull them out, grab the broom, mop or vacuum and clean!
Touch Up Interior Walls & Doors
If you stay on top of this throughout the year, it isn’t as hard as it seems. They even make touch up pens for smaller spots too, which makes it that much more simple!
Start Planning for a Spring/Summer Home Sale
If you went through your closets and kids toys last month, you could have set aside a pile for a garage sale if it’s your jam. Or you can be working on items to touch up to make sure that your home is listing ready. If you are thinking of listing, give me a call, let me walk through and tell you what you should do!
Go Through Freezer / Deep Freezer, Cook Food and Restock It
No use in wasting food! Cook it now and restock as sales occur!
Dust Blinds and Curtains
If you wash your curtains, now is a good time to do that. Get the dust off from the winter months. Work on cleaning the blinds and spend an afternoon jamming out to music while you do it. It makes it a bit more fun.
Declutter Your Paperwork and Get Ready to Get Your Taxes Done.
Definitely something we all dread, but the more organized you are in advance the easier they are.
Each month we try to give you tips and tricks to keep on your home maintenance. Doing things each month of the years seems to make it less overwhelming. Let us know how it goes this month!
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